Quote of the Week

"I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work"
-Thomas Edison

Wednesday, January 27


Wow, I havent posted in a while! Its been really busy on my side of things. I have been working four days a week at Starbucks which has been fun but soooo tiring. I have been making some money though, $60 in tips alone last week! Woo. This weekend my friend, Hannah, is coming to visit me from College of Charleston! I am really excited, but unfortuneatly she can only come for three days. But hopefully I will go visit her sometime soon. In terms of artsy stuff, I havent done too much. I finished my picture of my mirror mask!

I forgot to take a picture when I finished it, so this one is about 80% but I think it still looks good, you get the idea! Anyway, short post cause I have to go get my laundry. More later!

Friday, January 15


Awww man I am tired!

Today I finished my second shift at Starbucks! It was pretty excited, since it is the busiest store I have ever worked at! Yesterday evening I worked and everyone was super nice and I had a good time. This time wasn't so great. I felt like my co-workers were kind of cold to me. Do you know that feeling when you are new to a group and they just don't talk to you very much or smile. It felt very awkward, which is weird for me cause I am a super friendly outgoing person. I felt like we were all just missing a connection, and they seemed really court and rude with the customers. It is hard adjusting from a store which went by all the rule books and was very courteous to customers to a store where everyone is rushing, the drinks are not made well, and no protocol is followed. I guess I am just a rule follower and it is hard when everything is so chaotic. I am very much a "gold" personality, from that Colors Personality test. Basically, I like rules, lists, being on time, order, and cleanliness. And this starbucks is kinda the opposite of that...

In other news, it is the weekend! Woo hoo! I can't go out this weekend since I am working, but thats okay. Its turned warmer here is Savannah which is really nice. You guys may have heard about the cold snap in Florida that messed up their crops, well we felt it here to! But I can't wait to go sit outside tomorrow and soak up some rays. I am opening the store at work tomorrow..which means waking up at 5am. I am kinda nervous, but I think it will work out.

Thats all for today, I got laundry to do and a rice cooker to clean out!

Wednesday, January 13

I Dyed My Sweater!

So remember that ugly sweater I bought from Goodwill for $3? Well I invested another $3 into it and bought some navy colored dye. Now, the main problem with this sweater is that I did not know what it was made of. There are different dyes for synthetic or natural fibers. I looked up the brand name, "Tricot Express" and got nothing really. Tricot is apparently a type of knitting style. I did find a sweater from the same brand for sale on eBay which was a cotton blend with another natural fiber derived from an asian grass. So I assumed it was all natural fibers. I bought some dye from the local art store in Navy. Then I washed my sweater in the bath tub....(yes I am too cheap to pay $1 to pre-wash it in the washing machine). Then it was ready for the dye wash.

This is the original color and a close up of the texture

So I threw it in the washing machine with a cup of salt, which I had begged my hall mates for as I only had a half cup of salt myself. I left it in the washer for half an hour, pulled it out, and voila! I dried it and there I have a brand new sweater dress for $6! I am thinking about shortening the length of the sleeves. I will update if I do!

On another note, I start working at Starbucks tomorrow! Wooo!

Earthquake in Haiti

Okay...so you guys may of heard about the 7.0 earthquake in Haiti. Its destroyed thousands of buildings, 3 million people are affected, etc etc.

So last night, I totally had two separate nightmares about earthquakes. I almost never remember my dreams, but these were two vivid dreams involving earthquakes. So weird right? Not saying I can tell the future or something. Probably a super weird coincidence. But still, it was crazy how I woke up this morning thinking about that dream then hop onto the weather website and there it is! Earthquake!

Sunday, January 10

SHOES! And Other Things...

As it is the beginning of a new week, I have a new quote. I think this one is really motivational and reminds me that now is the only chance I get at making today worth something. Don't wait for life to happen. Make it happen.

Yesterday is ashes; tomorrow wood. Only today does the fire burn brightly
-Eskimo Proverb

Alright, so the weekend is over. Oh my god, I wasn't sure if I would survive. Of course it was the first week back to school so all us college kids wanna do is get crunk. By that, I mean I was intoxicated for three days straight. I also managed to eat a whole pizza by myself. Trust me, I paid for that later. My Gluten-Free diet was messed up completely and consequently I feel like I have a massive hangover, plus my insides are doing back flips. Not Fun....though the drunken revelry was absolutely hilarious. The reason why I went "all out" with partying this weekend is because I am starting work at Starbucks this coming Thursday, which means no more partying for me since I will be waking up at the crack of dawn on the weekends. I am excited to continue working with Starbucks, where I was working in Seattle for the past two years. It seems like a fun store with a lot of fun people in it!

On the Fashion side of things, I made a few very awesome purchases! At the consignment store I found a pair of turquoise cowboy boots with studs and leather fringe. They are absolutely amazing and I cannot wait to wear jeans and a cute top with these, or even a summery dress. I just loooovvvee them!

I also bought an adorable pair of gloves from U. O., since I left my other pair in a taxi. They are long gloves with a flip-over mitten top. So I can be bare fingered for texting or gripping stuff, but flip over the mitten part to have warm mitten hands! I love it! They were missing a button so I got them for 25% off retail. And they are bright red, super duper cute! I wandered into Goodwill and made another good find. I have wanted a sweater dress forever but I am too much of a cheap skate to buy one from retail. I found this oversized sweater, from the "Tricot Express" brand, which is long enough on me to be a dress. Unfortunately it is a horrible oatmeal color. I bought some dye and I will experiment with that. I might do it tomorrow morning, but I will document it for sure so you guys can see how it turns out! Another favorite I have are Cameos. They are antique carvings, usually in stone. Usually they feature a woman's profile. I absolutely love this vintage look. I bought a beautiful ring in Nordstrom Rack for only $20. I love it so much!

For my drawing class we have to make a mask and then draw it. Well, I got really into the whole mask making process. I used the plaster soaked cloth strips to make a base mask. Then I used the mirror my roommate broke and covered the mask with the pieces. I think it is way better than Lady Gaga's own mask.

Tuesday, January 5

The Good and Bad

Tuesday, January 5th, 2010
Location: My Dorm

So this was the first week of classes. So far I have only been to two of my three class. My professors seem really nice, both of them are peppy and crack jokes, which makes class so much more fun. I think Art History will turn out to be one of my favorite classes since in covers my two favorite subjects, art and history. Color Theory will be interesting, because who doesnt love color? But I don't entirely understand the whole point of the class. I pretty much already know all the colors and mixes and hues and tints and other stuff. I did have Color Theory at 11am but ended up having to change it to 8am because the class moved buildings, from one end of town to the other, and I wouldn't have time to get from Color Theory to Drawing 2 if I remained in the 11am class. Its to bad, since I am not a morning person, but I can deal with it. I will leave in about an hour for my Drawing 2 class. I am a little nervous about this one because my teacher gives the impression of being a pretty intense person on the syllabus.

In other news, I think I have a gluten intolerance. Has anyone else dealt with a gluten intolerance, or just developing an allergy late in life? I am not 100% sure, but I have all the symptoms I could find listed and it is quite uncomfortable, especially when you share such a small dorm room with two other people. I will embark on a gluten free diet, starting right now, which will be a HUGE challenge for me, as all I eat is bread, cereal, and pasta. I am excited, because I might be able to relieve some symptoms, which include chronic fatigue, feeling sick whenever I eat, sleeplesness, and overall stress from feeling so bad all the time. I would love any advice and guidance on what to eat, what not to eat, and how to do this when I am stuck eating college food! I will hopefully be able to stick to this diet and give updates as I progress. I am just praying that I will get some more energy. I didn't notice my fatigue so much at home, but now that I am at college and have to run around buying supplies and going to class, it is a big problem.

Sunday, January 3

My First Day Back

Sunday, January 3rd, 2010
Location: My bed

So, I tried out my new philosophy on life today. It worked out pretty well today I think...Well I started off the day walking to CVS. While crossing a road on a complicated intersection of one way streets, I got yelled at. A lady sitting in a bright blue new mustang leaned out of her car and yelled "Get out of the fucking road," despite the fact that her light was red and remained red the whole time I crossed the road, so it was not like I blocked her or anything. Anyway, so that put me in a bad mood, but when I got to CVS I decided to turn it around. While checking out, the lady who was cashiering was very quite, not saying a word to me. So I decided to go out on a limb and say "Hey, how is your day going?" To my greatest surprise she looked up with a big smile on her face and said, "its going fantastically! How bout you?" She then proceeded to talk about how much she missed all the college students and how glad she was that we were all back. This made both of us smile. So I guess the message in the book really works! Maybe you guys should try it out. I am in a much better mood because of it.

Now I am pretty tired from all this moving in, unpacking, and walking around the city. I sat down for a few minutes and drew some fashion sketches. My favorite kind of sketch is done with a pen, when I can't erase or try to fix any "mess ups."I always come out with some interesting stuff. I will post it up here as soon as I get a chance to scan it.

It is unusually cold here in Savannah, only around 45 degrees. Its not so bad for me, since I have lived in Seattle for four years, but some people are really suffering. Its funny to see some of the girls running around in little dresses and Uggs, hoping those maddeningly ugly shoes will protect them from the cold. I do like the cold weather though, it always provides the best opportunity for layering up with cute scarves, socks, hats, gloves, and all that good stuff. I personally love wearing shorts and skirts from the summer over tights to instantly transform a summer look to winter. Anyway, for now I have to run back down to the computer lab and attempt to figure out their weird printers...

First Post of a New Year

Saturday, January 2nd
Location: Seat 9D, United Flight to Chicago

Its a new year, and a time for changes. For christmas this year my parents gave me a book called Better Because of You. The authors, Ginny Hutchinson and Cathy Haffner, wrote the book to inspire people to become happier, better people. It focused around three core beliefs: Life is what you think, Life Cycles, and Life is a gem. I read through this book on the plane on my way back to my dorm at the Savannah College of Art and Design. I found it to be truly inspiring, it made becoming a more powerful happy person seem so simple. I am eager to try it out.

As with every new year, I have a new years resolution. This time it is not to loose weight or make straight A’s. All I want is to make a concerted effort to smile and be kind- no matter what. To often we can get caught up in the negtive, in the details, and worry ourselves sick. This year, I want none of that. I want this to be a positive start to an adventure of a year, and hopefully an outlook on life which will become habit.

One of the reasons I decided to start this blog is because I want to have a voice among the thousands, to see if I can make a little impact on someone’s day. Right now I don’t really know where this blog will head. I was imagining it to be a collection of my everyday thoughts and ideas, mixed with my ideas about fashion and my favorite trends of the moment. Being a freshman at college, I am going through so many new experiences, and maybe sharing my problems and solutions can help others out there, or at least provide some entertainment for a while.

For my first entry, I am recommending this book, Better Because of You. It is a simple, fast read which can bring some light to your day. It has inspired me to choose a selection of quotes from the collection at the back of the book and feature one of my favorites every week. For this week, I have chosen something which I think echoes the feelings of a bittersweet departure from home:

The soul would have no rainbow if the eyes had no tears.
-Native American Saying

The front cover of the book by Seattlite Cathy Haffner and her friend Ginny Hutchinson. Image courtesy of www.mynorthwest.com